No kits available?
Put your name on the waitlist below. We will contact you as soon as one is available.
Our kit availability depends on people donating diapers, availability of funds and volunteers spending their time creating kits, adding them onto the booking system, washing, drying, checking between rentals and replacing missing or damaged items. If you want to help out in any way, here's how you can:
We are always looking for gently used cloth diapers and accessories. More info on donating: https://www.clothdiaperlibrary.ca/donate-your-stash
We are always looking for volunteers who can donate their time and/or expertise to help #makeclothmainstream
More info on volunteering: https://www.clothdiaperlibrary.ca/volunteer
Our services, blog posts, videos and other useful content are fuelled by coffee! We love receiving virtual coffees - they keep us energised and motivated to keep doing what we're doing. You can buy us a coffee here: https://www.clothdiaperlibrary.ca/buy-us-a-coffee